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Friday, April 11, 2014

Music to your ears

Source: The Financial Express | Sudhir Chowdhary
Friday, April 11, 2014

This wireless speaker offers high quality audio and is great for carrying to a party

In the eighties, a large number of Gulf returnees used to descend on the Indian soil with three key items in their baggage—a two-in-one, dry fruits and some amount of gold. Among these, a radio and cassette player-cum-recorder was a must-have; people used to listen to news and their choice of music on these portable audio systems. Mind you, we are talking about the pre-satellite television days when Doordarshan and All India Radio were the chief sources of entertainment and the once-in-a-week Chitrahaar and weekend Hindi movies used to be high on the priority list of viewers.

The Harman Kardon Go+Wireless wireless speaker will ship you back to that era; its big stainless steel handle bears a striking resemblance to the two-in-ones of those times. But in terms of performance and technology inside, this innovation from Harman International is vastly superior. It is a high performance, wireless speaker designed to work with a slew of Apple devices— iPad mini, iPad (4th generation), iPhone 5, iPod touch (5th generation) or.................

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