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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Combined Recruitment for the post of Engineering Assistant and Technician in Prasar Bharati Examination – 2013

Engineering Assistant : 1290 posts (UR-659, SC-201, ST-135, OBC-295, PWD-37), Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4200/-, Age : 30 years as on 01/01/2013

Technician : 340 posts (UR-181, SC-54, ST-34, OBC-71, PWD-7, Ex.SM-35), Pay Scale : Rs. 5200 - 20200 Grade Pay Rs. 2400/-, Age : 18-25 years as on 01/01/2013

Fee : Rs. 200/- in to be paid in SBI by payment challan or by Net Banking. No fee for SC/ ST/ PH/ Women and Ex-servicemen candidates.

Closing Date: 22.3.2013
Date of Examination: 26-05-2013

The Prasar Bharati (PB), is a statutory autonomous body established under the Prasar Bharati Act 1990. It is India’s largest broadcaster and comprises Doordarshan & All India Radio. It wishes to recruit young and skilled personnel for manning the posts of Engineering Assistant & Technician in offices spread all over the country. Applications are invited from Indian Nationals who fulfill the prescribed qualifications and age etc. for these posts.
Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Government of India, will make recruitment to these posts on behalf of the Prasar Bharati under special dispensation given by the Government. The candidates selected through this recruitment for posts in PB will NOT, however, have the status of Central Government Civilian Employees. As such they will not be eligible for benefit of age relaxation etc. admissible to Central Government civilian employees in recruitments made by the Staff Selection Commission for Ministries/ Departments/ Attached and Subordinate Offices under Government of India and will not be entitled to claim parity with Central Government Civilian Employees in any matter whatsoever. 

Only online application will be accepted at Candidates are advised
to make sure that they are eligible in all respects before applying for the posts. Candidates are required to submit only one application irrespective of the number of posts for which option is exercised by them.

Please See THE EMPLOYMENT NEWS / ROZGAR SAMACHAR DATED 23.2.2013 for details.

For further details, please view:


  1. Can any one let us know which subjects to concentrate in electronics for assistant engineer. Are there any previous year question papers for referral.

  2. plzz tell me the relevant subjects for CS/IT sstream...

    are there any previous year question papers for referral.

  3. please do update these job openings.

  4. Please let me know if there are other job openings.
    send me at

  5. Prasar Bharti (Doordarshan) Recruitment notification is out intrested candidates can Apply Offline for Various Editor, Operator, Typist. All 10th, 12th, Diploma /Graduation Degree in Journalism degree holder candidate can Apply Offline for Various Editor, Operator, Typist Sarkari Naukri vacancies in on Full time basis This Recruitment Alert published from Employment News, Check Government jobs Advertisement regarding detail of posts,

  6. Sir I completed my and now I need a job, please tell about the latest vacancies in IIT Guwahati Recruitment according to my qualification.


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